Think Before You Promote Your Ideas

Had I been in the Sunflower Bank conference room when this slogan was being considered, I would have point out that, while the slogan could be translated, “Spend money you have, not money you don’t,” and that’s a good thing:

a) The phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness” is one of the most well-recognized pearls of wisdom of all time.

b) Promoting the contrary is going to make us look stupid to some people, petty and money-grubbing to others.


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One comment on “Think Before You Promote Your Ideas
  1. marcopolo says:


    “money doesn’t buy happiness” Nope, but a lack of money can sure buy misery!

    ““money doesn’t buy happiness”. hey, the DNC must believe it can, or why are the changing the rules(and their principles) to accommodate ol’ mike Bloomberg and his Billions?