Right-Wing Extremism Joins Academic Dishonesty at Hillsdale College
Anti-government, Trump-supporting Hillsdale College is ostensibly conducting a one-question survey of Facebook: What are your biggest concerns about socialism taking root in America? (I use the word “ostensibly” because real surveys from academically honest institutions don’t use loaded questions that contain enormous–and in this case erroneous–assumptions.)
In any event, let me take a shot. I’m afraid that what a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren would offer would turn the United States into a country like:
- Australia
- Austria
- Bahrain
- Belgium
- Brunei
- Canada
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Kuwait
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Portugal
- Singapore
- Slovenia
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Arab Emirates or the
- United Kingdom.
I.e., we’d join every other developed country on Earth in providing valuable services to its citizens in exchange for their tax dollars.
And from there, it’s only a matter of time before we get into the top 10 of the World Happiness Rankings, and start down that slippery slope towards improved quality of life for everyone (not just the rich).
If Hillsdale wants to improve its survey, it could take into consideration something that Nobel Laureate Economist Paul Krugman wrote recently: that people like Bernie Sanders aren’t actually socialists in any normal sense of the term. They don’t want to nationalize our major industries and replace markets with central planning; they are what Europeans would call social democrats — and social democracies like Denmark are, in fact, quite nice places to live, with societies that are, if anything, freer than our own.
You are becoming increasingly divorced from reality!
An America that followed the unbridled policies of Bernie Saunders or worse, Elizabeth Warren, would have nothing in common with any of those nations!
Very quickly the USA would resemble nations such as Venezuela and other failed states.
The US would quickly resemble the decay and poverty of 1960-70’s Great Britain, a nation who had to call in the IMF it was so bankrupt.
You have no idea how fast and brutally, socialist economic policies can destroy and ruin not only the economies of nations, but the culture, spirit and freedoms.
Thank goodness these economic vandals and irresponsible zealots won’t get the opportunity to attempt such outdated, ludicrous policies in the US.
Nothing could convince the American people more to vote for Donald J Trump than offer Elizabeth Warren as a candidate!