Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation
Rachel Maddow speaks at Harvard’s JFK Forum
Making a decision to protect their listeners from dangerous levels of baldfaced lies emanating from the White House, the NPR affiliate in Seattle, Washington has elected to stop airing Trump’s coronavirus briefings live. Perhaps they’ll take up Rachel Maddow’s suggestion, which I paraphrase, “Tape them and fact-check them. If he happens to say something truthful, you can always air whatever truth he told at that point.”
There was a time when Trump’s lies were confined to things like the strength of the coal mining sector, or the size of his inauguration, or which country interfered in the 2016 election, or that wind turbines cause cancer, or which states Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit, or whatever; these are things that could properly be called “despicable.” Lying about the trajectory of the coronavirus, directly contradicting our scientists, and exposing Americans to a lethal disease for political gain is more accurately called a “crime against humanity.”