Announcing a Third-Party Candidate in November’s Election

Regarding the meme here, reader Tom Ujszaszy says, “And that is one way to get Trump another four years.”

It’s true that third party candidates have crippled the Democrats in the past, though a Libertarian is going to take far more votes from Trump than Biden.  Libertarians want to dismantle the government, and move virtually everything into the private sector.   That sounds suspiciously like what Steve Bannon said about the Trump administration’s mission to “dismantle the administrative state.”

Both want to eliminate all government programs that would benefit the common American.  This means healthcare (Medicaid), education, environmental protection, pulling people out of poverty/hunger/homelessness, and temporary assistance for those in need, ultimately privatizing Social Security and Medicare.  All this results in huge taxes cuts that make rich people richer–an agenda item common to both parties.  Both have a pathological indifference to the suffering of other people.

The difference between garden-variety Trump supporters and Libertarians is that the latter are generally not morons; in fact, they tend to be intellectuals, who, for whatever reason, have no interest in the welfare of anyone but themselves.

In any case, it’s hard to imagine a progressive, or even a centrist Democrat, voting Libertarian.


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