21st Century: Good Things Improve, Bad Things Worsen

Even in these days of hate, ignorance, environmental irresponsibility, greed and selfishness, there are still many good things–and they continue to get better.

With each passing year:

• The curriculum at our top universities gets more advanced and is more easily absorbed by students.

• Technology has us living longer, healthier lives that are more convenient and productive.

• Athletes are faster, stronger, and better at their sports.

• Everywhere you look, people are doing amazing things at younger ages. (See the video below and ask yourself if that could have happened 20 years ago.)

The problem, of course, is that the majority of the people and the things they’re doing is getting more degraded.  More people are committing acts of racial violence, accepting ridiculous conspiracy theories, doing more poorly on standardized tests in our schools, becoming homeless, reading less, spending less time out of doors enjoying nature, buying guns, and disconnecting from family and former friends.

Again, the good stuff is there; we just have to find it and become part of it.


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