Americans Express Appreciation, Apology

Now seems like a good time for all Americans to thank our brothers and sisters around the world—the brave, compassionate and intelligent people with whom we share our fragile planet, the only home we have.  You saw what had happened to the United States, and with most of us, you cried.  Yes, there was some mockery, though perfectly justified, but most of you echoed what a young Swede told me about a year ago, “Trump may have 8 – 10% support in Sweden, but most of us simply feel deeply sorry for you.  We never, ever thought this attempt at authoritarianism could happen in the U.S.”

Nor did you give up on us.  Most of you had faith, certainly those old enough to remember our expulsion of Richard Nixon 45 years ago.  You stood by our side, and I know I speak for the majority of Americans in saying this: thank you.  We see you celebrating with us, dancing in the streets.  We’re very happy that you can share our joy.

Also, we hope you accept our apologies.  This land of freedom and democracy should not have coddled and empowered the world’s dictatorships.  Our allies didn’t deserve the treatment they received.  Our friends who embrace environmental stewardship should not have been abandoned.

There is an article in one of our newspaper’s headlines today that reads: The Next Would-Be Dictator Will Not Be So Incompetent.  I’d like to think we’ve learned something extremely important here, and that something like this will never happen again.

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