Controversy Re: the January 6th Insurrection

Craig Shields: I think this is a more complicated subject, personally.
Linda Hurt Germany: Craig, insurrection is complicated? please explain……..

Carol Heesch: NO. IT. ISN’T.

Caroline Lindley: Craig,  yes, please explain the complicated part.

Bobby Scheinblum: Craig, seems rather cut & dry to this Patriot 🇺🇸

Craig Shields: As revolting as I find these people, and as certain as I am that they deserve punishment, I recommend some level of leniency insofar as they were following the instructions of the (criminally insane) POTUS.
Linda Hurt Germany: Craig, well that’s bs. On what planet is it ok (no matter who directs you) to attack police and shit and smear it on the walls in a government building???? Once again proving that you can’t fix stupid.
Maggie Taricani: Craig. not complicated at all. Please remember My Lai massacre and the resulting information that’s drilled in Basic Training there after: any soldier can refuse a direct order that the soldier believes to be unlawful and or morally wrong.
Craig Shields: Let me reiterate that these people will be punished, and deservedly so.   Maggie: You bring up a good, though imperfect analogy (the My Lai Massacre).  There are two issues.  
1) This is minor compared to #2, but it needs to be said: Many if not most of these people are mentally defective.  I would be shocked to learn that their average IQ is over 90.  If you saw the movie “A Few Good Men,” imagine you’re sentencing the mentally challenged guy who participated in the Code Red that wound up killing Corporal Santiago, or Lennie Small in Of Mice and Men.
2) More importantly, I submit there there is a difference between accepting the orders of a platoon leader in a war half way around the world, and the orders of the President of the United States, who convinced these people that our country was in the process of being taken over by criminals who rigged the election, and that process had to be stopped. “If we don’t fight like hell, we won’t have a country here any more.”
I find this mitigating to a degree.


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