Why the GOP Is Losing Ground

There are several separate dynamics that are exerting pressure on the Republican Party in the United States right now, one of which is represented by the fellow shown here: the party has pushed itself so far to the right that an increasing number of people of decency and intelligence are deeply offended by it, ashamed to remain associated with it, and simply going away.

Obviously not all Republicans are racist goons, committing insurrection and killing Blacks and Asians.  The GOP’s problem is that all racist goons, committing insurrection and killing Blacks and Asians are Republicans.

Once the GOP was represented by conservatives like Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, who upheld the traditional beliefs like small government, little regulation, personal responsibility, law and order, and a strong military.  While none of that has gone away, what’s been added on top of it is a blend of stupidity and pure evil, personified by Donald Trump, who led the party into idolatry, lawlessness, conspiracy theories, xenophobia, disregard for the environment, the rejection of science, the dismantling of public education, wanton cruelty, racial violence, voter suppression and a pathological level of nonstop lies.

Is there a path back?  I would think so.  Success for any party at any time means offering voters what they value, and there will always be people who consider that “government is the problem,” as Reagan put it.  Progressives will disagree, but at least that’s an arguable position; it’s a tenable position to believe people are better off with a big, bloated, and corrupt government off their backs.



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