From the Washington Post: Trump Predicted News Ratings Would ‘Tank If I’m Not There.’ He Wasn’t Wrong.

As pointed out here, news rating are significantly down since Trump left office, and anyone can guess why: Trump brought viewers from both ends of the spectrum.  Progressives had a morbid sense of curiosity as to what vile, cruel, or stupid thing Trump would say or do next.  Conservatives watch Fox News (or worse), a channel that produces alternative “news,” designed to make Trump–and his supporters–very happy.

What’s to watch now?  The next mass shooting?  As Thoreau said, “I need to know of the existence of house fires.  I don’t need to hear about every single one.”

The only reason to watch TV news now is the anticipation of a slew of indictments against Trump.  The first thing I do when I open my eyes in the morning is check my phone in eager suspense.



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