Gun Issues Completely Out of Control

Haven’t we all been through too much of this, especially knowing that it’s only going to get worse?

If you were with one of your kids, and you’d just placed an order, then noticed this Neanderthal behind you, what would you do?  My first move would be to say, “Forget about the order ma’am, we’re going to find some place that doesn’t feature possible/probable/who-knows mass murderers.”

Because of the wanton corruption in the U.S. Congress, the concept of making Americans even a tiny bit safer is unthinkable.  It’s possible that the NRA as an institution may be fading into the past, but the gun ethos that it’s left in its wake will live on and on.

Given that, remember this: We vote with our wallets.  And I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend a nickel in a store where thugs like this are allowed.

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