Trump To Be Discredited

When will this cease?

That’s not a rhetorical question. At what point will Trump knock off the stolen election narrative, and simply go away (hopefully to prison)?

I predict that at a certain point, Trump will be completely discredited, and statements like these will be disregarded.   This will happen when, through criminal prosecution, vast amounts of evidence become public to the effect that he has told countless lies in covering up his various frauds, tax evasion, violations of campaign finance law and the emoluments clause, obstruction, witness intimidation, election tampering, and God knows what else.  He is, at the bottom of it all, a liar.

Sure, the QAnon people will believe that the entire U.S. system is corrupt, and that all this evidence has been fabricated, but most of Trump’s former supporters will come to see that they’ve been duped.  It won’t be an easy pill for them to swallow, but the evidence of this will be so powerful that they’ll have no other choice.

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