Trump In Legal Jeopardy

Regarding the indictment against the Trump Organization and its CFO, a reader notes: It’s a corporation. Anyway, it’s a flimsy charge. Everyone does this kind of thing. They need better charges.

As much as I want to see the justice system crush Trump like a grape, I think I speak for all like-minded people in saying that I hope he doesn’t go down for something like income tax evasion or something that many decent people have done. Here’s a man who’s lived his entire adult life as a white collar criminal.  Do any decent people want to see him go to prison for a parking ticket? Won’t happen. The American people won’t stand for it, even the progressives.

Even if there is massive financial fraud, as is likely the case, wouldn’t it be infinitely more satisfying to see him sent away for election tampering, witness intimidation, extortion, incitement to insurrection, obstruction of justice, or violations of the emoluments clause?

We all would have much preferred that the first indictments were more substantial.  But let’s not forget what sent mass murderer Al Capone to prison, and how utterly horrible it would have been to let him walk.

Banana republics are essentially defined as those that can’t muster the force to prosecute rich and powerful criminals.  We’re teetering on the edge.


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