Sometimes You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

The basic content of the meme here is true, and I’m sure it’s a sentiment most of us share.  But when we think about it for a moment, it’s clear that this is not “either/or.”  The first two of the equations here are taught to fewer than 1/1000 college students and exactly zero high school students. Music can and should be taught to 100%. We can accommodate both.

These so-called “false dichotomies” pervade our politics.  Since we here at 2GreenEnergy are connected most closely to environmental sustainability, we’ve all heard people say, “If we try to tackle climate change, we’ll ruin the economy.”  I cringe at this.  If that’s how little you understand this subject, could you at least have the wisdom to keep your mouth shut?
Math nerds out there may want to check out the video below, which explains the first of the three equations.   Again, if you don’t have at least a masters degree in the subject, you’re never getting anywhere near this.

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