What Will We Do About “Dire Climate Predictions Around the Globe?”
Since its inception in 2009, 2GreenEnergy has been making predictions regarding our civilization’s response to climate change, noting along the way that there are several enormous impediments to progress:
• Greed and disinformation. The corporate world, and especially the energy sector, can see nothing but the diminution of its wealth and power associated with any meaningful response to global warming.
• International cooperation. We live on a planet of 200+ sovereign nations, most of which think of themselves as individual entities in competition with one another, and there is precisely zero precedent for abandoning this paradigm and coming together in cooperation on any real scale.
• Attention deficit. The human mind, especially that of the 21st Century, has extremely meager capacity for long-term planning and execution.
Having said all this, it’s possible that we are approaching a point at which business as usual will be seen as folly, in a world dominated by hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires, decreasing land mass, desertification, ocean acidification, and loss of biodiversity. We’re 12 years (almost to the day) since the launch of 2GreenEnergy, and this is the very first time we’ve seen anything even remotely resembling the newspaper headline above.