The Lighter Side of World Geography and Climate Change Mitigation

The diversity we see in human civilization comes as a result of the fact that the homo sapiens who left Eastern Africa about 30,000 years ago went in different directions, and eventually formed nations.  This was problematic from the start, when various negative human characteristics (greed, racial hatred, sadism, etc.) kicked in and these countries started wars with one another.

Yet even that wasn’t catastrophic until very recently, when we realized that these separate and often unfriendly groups need to come together for a common purpose: climate change mitigation.  Are we able to make that happen?

I  know a guy from the EV industry thought he’d have a little fun by writing puns based on the names of some of the nations of the world. See above.

Here’s what I came up with.  If you would like to play too, please add comments.

Oman, it’s cold in that refrigerator.

Guam not kidding you.

I’d like a salad Andorra sandwich.
I Congo a bit crazy if it’s been too long since I have eaten.
So I need to raise my blood sugar, but I don’t want something I’ll have to Sweden.
I need to do it now, before I faint all of a Sudan.
Sorry to Gabon and on like this.
I think I should just shut up and Libya guys alone.
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