From Andy Borowitz: “Fox News Accuses Biden of Using Federal Government to Improve Country”
From the satirical Borowitz Report in The New Yorker:
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Calling President Joe Biden “an authoritarian dictator of the most reprehensible kind,” Fox News has accused him of using the power of the federal government to improve the country.
“Joe Biden came into office claiming that he wanted to be the President of all the people,” Sean Hannity said. “Now, however, his real agenda has become clear: he wants to increase Americans’ life expectancy.”
“How long one lives should be a personal choice,” Hannity continued. “But not if Joe Stalin-slash-Biden has anything to say about it.”
For 20 full years, Borowitz has been plying his sardonic genius in ways that we mere mortals find impossible to comprehend. How on Earth does he do this, when he doesn’t have any more access to the news than you or I do?
Having said that, with the impressive number of absurdities in today’s political life it must make his job at least somewhat easier.
Here, we have a president who, though he may be making errors along the way, is honestly trying to improve the life of the common American. In just a few months, he has implemented a wide-scale coronavirus vaccination program, passed a $1.9 trillion coronavirus and economic relief bill, rejoined the Paris climate accord, imposed sanctions on Russia for its malicious cyber activity, reorganized the justice department such that it is no longer a tool of the president, revoked the ban on transgender Americans joining the U.S. military, and is close to passing a sweeping infrastructure bill.
It takes a great deal of twisting the facts on the part of Fox News to claim that Biden is a dictator, or whatever epithet they’re using this week, but damned if that isn’t exactly what they’re doing. If this “news” source were not a credible source of information for tens of millions of gullible Americans, this would be funny beyond words.