Trumpism Is Lethal

The graphic here is playing itself out all over the nation.  Elsewhere around the United States, we have hot-spots in Trump-loving Florida and Texas, as well as the rest of the Deep South.

Trumpism is killing many hundreds of people per day.

When my son was perhaps 10, he was fascinated with The Darwin Awards, i.e., prizes given to people whose stupidity resulted in their own deaths, and thus removed that much “idiot-charged” DNA from the overall gene pool. This was the time just before everyone had constant Internet access, and so every few months he would ask me, “Dad, Dad…when do the new Darwin Awards come out?”

The problem here, of course, is that these people are not simply killing themselves in isolation; they are making everyone’s lives more dangerous and unpleasant, not to mention the innocent people who die in agony.



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