Trump’s Mental Health

Additional discussion with my friend based on my post yesterday:

Friend: Your fixation on Trump is unfortunate as I have said before.   As I  recall, you were just as certain that Trump was a pawn of Russia four years ago as you are now that he is insane. With just as much proof.

Me: Believe it or not, I’m still fairly sure I’ll be vindicated on his ties to Russia, if only via his indebtedness to the oligarchs. You may recall that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies averred that Russia played an important role in getting Trump elected in 2016.  We’ll see.

Re: his mental health, there are 61.4 million web pages that are referred by Googling “Trump insane.”  Of course, that, in and of itself, is meaningless.  But there are plenty of eminent psychologists who write about this in detail.  More to the point is his behavior in the days following the election loss, as documented in the books I mentioned.

I’m even more confident that he’ll be indicted on one or more charges.  The real issue is that the U.S. can’t let this go without creating a precedent that a sitting president can do anything he wants with complete impunity.

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