The World Tires of Oil Spills
This past Sunday, 144,000 gallons of oil spilled into Orange County coastal waters, beaches and wetlands, causing authorities to close several beaches. This is a public health disaster for the surrounding communities and wildlife. To prevent the further destruction of our coastal, marine, and human ecosystems we MUST shut down all offshore and onshore drilling sites.
Monica Embrey, Senior Associate Director of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Dirty Fuels campaign, remarked, “This spill is yet another reminder that we can have healthy and safe communities, thriving coastal economies, and a stable climate — or we can continue drilling for oil. We can’t have both.”
Each new oil-related disaster brings us closer to the death of fossil fuel extraction in favor of renewables and other low-carbon energy sources. That’s because public awareness of climate change and the myriad of other forms of environmental damage is constantly rising, and the pure hatred that we have for those who profit at the expense of the planet is reaching a tipping point.