Trump Supporters Come in Different Degrees: Bronze, Silver, and Gold

As previously mentioned, 2GreenEnergy headquarters is located in a rural part of Central California, and it’s about as “God and country” a place as you’re going to find anywhere.  When the 2020 presidential election was called, dozens of signs went up declaring that Trump had won, and the insurrection of January 6th actually fueled the fire.  “Don’t tread on me,” some folks’ flags threatened.

Now, however, almost 11 months later, all those flags have come down.  Even the local rednecks seem to have gotten the word that the Big Lie was precisely that, and that the insurrectionists are criminals who, one by one, are pleading guilty to the misdemeanors and felonies of which they were accused, and being sent off to prison, presumably with reduced sentences.

My point: Yes, we have yokels.  But we don’t have a single one of the caliber of the jackass in the boat above.


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