What’s Required If Our Democracy Is To Survive Intact
This is from 1st Century BCE Latin author Publilius Syrus, a fellow who probably wouldn’t have been on anyone’s radar screens were it not for Donald Trump and the regime of hatred and corruption he has built around himself.
Case in point: The U.S. justice department is weighing whether it should criminally prosecute Steve Bannon, now that congress has voted to hold him in contempt. Someone speculated this process could take years of legal wranglings before a final decision can be made, greatly extending the period of time that Bannon can keep to himself what he knows about the planning and execution of the January 6th insurrection.
Fortunately, most people believe that this will be resolved in a matter of days, not years. The vast majority of Americans understand that unraveling exactly what happened leading up to the coup attempt is essential if our democracy is to survive intact.