The Militant Extremist Side of Stupidity

The guy has a point.  Those with fanatical views tend to be consistent in their fanaticism.

Note that very little of this existed five years ago.  Now we have millions of people who believe, from the BBCthe completely unfounded theory that says that President Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping pedophiles in government, business and the media.  QAnon believers have speculated that this fight will lead to a day of reckoning where prominent people such as former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed.

I’m not a sociologist, but it seems that our rapidly collapsing educational system lies at the core here.  People who read are unlikely to be flat-Earthers, or fight to “stop the steal.”

It’s hard to remain optimistic here, because we’re falling ever deeper into the abyss of ignorance.

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