How Close Are We To Indictments Against Trump?

It’s all speculation.  Making a call to a hotel on January 5th is perhaps an important start, but it’s not going to get the job done.

Our main hope lies in the pressure being applied to those who were involved with Trump in the effort to overthrow the results of the election. If you or I were Merrick Garland, we wouldn’t be waiting for the results of the congressional investigation; we’d be reading the transcripts of the interviews being conducted.  As soon as we had one credible piece of testimony that pointed to Trump’s direct involvement, we’d spring.

This needs to be done as far in advance of the midterm elections as possible, and preferably before Trump announces his candidacy for 2024.

Let’s also keep in mind that, even in the unlikely event that there are no further developments from this or any other investigation, Trump clearly committed a felony when he stood by for 187 minutes and watched the insurrection on TV.

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