The Right Wing and Electric Vehicles
EVs are a part of the environmental movement. As we electrify our transportation and energy sectors, and replace fossil fuels with low-carbon sources of energy, we have the potential to stem environmental collapse, especially that which comes in the form of climate change and ocean acidification.
That may not sound controversial, but alas, it is, and in a big way.
As in all arenas of human endeavor, the right wing manages to create a battle against progress. Here, their argument takes many forms:
• Phasing out fossil fuels will damage the economy.
• Only the continued use of fossil fuels will enable the U.S. to maintain its energy independence.
• Climate science is flawed.
• Climate scientists are corrupt.
• The capacity of the planet to support life is not in danger.
• Only God can damage the Earth and its occupants.
Every single one of these propositions is demonstrably false, but with enough powerful people telling these lies it’s been a terrible challenge to move forward.
I wish I had better news for you.