Running for the U.S. Senate as a Republican…Are You SURE About That?
Here’s Tiffany Smiley, an attractive, conservative woman, running for the U.S. Senate in Washington State as a Republican. She’s smart enough not to mention Trump in her platform, but it’s really indistinguishable from anything else coming out of the GOP, i.e., bashing Biden, etc.
She’s asking for your donation, on the basis that it will enable her to take on that abhorrent “big government.”
I would ask, “Why Washington?” It’s an entire state, where more than half of the population of 7.8 million lives and works within a short drive of the high-tech hub that contains Seattle and Tacoma. These people would no more elect a Republican to the Senate than they’d cut their arms off.
Here’s my advice if you’re going to stay in Washington: Do what Marjorie Taylor Greene did and run for the House, enabling you to cherry-pick a district. Greene chose one with some of the poorest and least educated people in the state (Georgia). Her voters are repairing tractors by day and going to KKK rallies by night. OK, that’s a cruel exaggeration, but they are not building computer apps and operating systems at Microsoft, nor do they have executive careers at Starbucks, Costco, Nordstrom, or T-Mobile.
This simply won’t work, but that’s not the real reason that I won’t be making a donation.