Fox News Hates All Things Biden, But Isn’t This Treason?
The fact that Russia banned all free speech, all social media platforms, and all journalists from reporting Putin’s war against Ukraine, yet pushes for Tucker Carlson and Fox News to be broadcast on Russian State TV should be a bigger story.
Tonight on #Russia‘s state TV: yet another clip of Tucker Carlson, who brought back his “Russia expert” Clint Ehrlich to argue that Putin actually benefits from our sanctions.
We all understand the Fox New “brand,” i.e., that whatever Democrats do is necessarily bad, wrong, stupid, etc. But is siding with Russia in its invasion of neighboring Ukraine fair game?
I would have hoped that the shows’ producers and script writers had the wisdom to skip over Russia altogether, or, at worst, forwarded the lie that these atrocities wouldn’t have been committed had Trump still been in office, because Putin was terrified of the former president’s formidable strength and the fabulous admiration and support he enjoyed from the world community, or whatever bulls*** line they chose.
They could then tie that back into the Big Lie, as Trump himself does wherever he goes: “Had the election not been rigged, I’d be in the White House, and Russia never would have invaded.”
Here’s a scary thought: Whom would current-day Fox News have supported in our past wars that were waged by Democratic presidents?
FDR in WW2
Truman in Korea
Kennedy/Johnson in Vietnam
“Back in the day,” no Americans supported a foreign enemy in its invasion of a democracy. Actually, the word “no” is an exaggeration. We had our traitors, like Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg, whom we charged with treason, tried, convicted, and electrocuted.