The Wisdom of Putting Your Politics on Display

Things are divisive in U.S. politics, but they haven’t come to the point that progressives wear shirts like this, if only for the concern about welcoming bodily damage.

Trump supporters are far more likely to be brazen in terms of wearable in-your-face political statements.  MAGA hats are passe’ and “Let’s Go Brandon” shirts never caught on, but these folks do do like to distinguish themselves.

Here in California, we have smog tests that are required every few years, and earlier this week, I took my Prius to my favorite auto mechanic for this routine procedure, only to notice that he had the place adorned with a hard-to-miss American flag.

What’s the point, I asked to myself.  If you sell guns and ammo, you’re not going to lose customers by establishing yourself as someone who stands behind the former president.  But helping auto repair sounds pretty neutral.  Why alienate half your client base?

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