
The meme here raises some interesting points, but it’s loaded with errors.

The existence of ether was an assumption in pre-20th Century physics, before the nature of light was understood.  It was believed that the propagation of light waves must be somehow similar to the propagation of ocean waves, i.e., that they require a physical medium.  In 1887, physicists Michelson and Morley performed an experiment which, to their great surprise, disproved this theory, and paved the way for Einstein’s theory of special relativity in 1905, i.e., that space and time are relative to the motion of the observer with respect to the observed.

Einstein’s general relativity in 1915 and the inception of quantum mechanics in the 1920s flooded our minds with all manner of counterintuitive notions, but still, nothing resembling a stationary ether.

It is true that “empty space” is not truly empty; particles are constantly coming into existence and annihilating.  Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle (1927) suggests that it at least some energy everywhere, and some say this provides a path to harvesting “free energy” from the universe, though this is completely untrue.

Following the assertion above, some people also say that “the elites” are sitting on a free energy technology (and a cure for cancer, etc.) but for some reason are not releasing it to the public.  I’ve come across this dozens of times since I entered the renewable energy field, but it’s ridiculous. Imagine that you’re a member of this elite group.  The planet is roasting and you have relatives who are dying of cancer, but you keep your secrets nonetheless? Sorry.

Btw, it’s perfectly possible that we are all connected in a way yet to be understood.  There are lots of people who believe this, and I’d hardly call them crackpots.  If the answers come at all, they will probably follow an understanding of consciousness.

There are plenty of religious theories on this out there, and you’re free to believe whatever you will, but I’m afraid science is a very long way from having this nailed down.

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