The Most Impressive Criminal Enterprise in U.S. History

For my money, the real point to be made here isn’t that Democrats are angels, or even that the Republicans are inveterate criminals.  Rather, it’s that, by the time all the justice actions against the Trump administration are taken, the 45th presidency will have all these counts shattered by an enormous margin, a record that will stand, we must hope, for all time.  (Note that this chart was created in early 2019, in the middle of the Trump presidency.)

The main driver here, of course, is the coup attempt/insurrection.  The number of people who conspired to overthrow the U.S. government could go well into the hundreds, especially if all the fraudulent electors are charged.

Once some of these people are charged and start flipping on one another, this is going to become red hot.  I can’t wait.


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