Don’t Americans Enjoy Unlimited Gun Rights?
Reader: More than one shooting daily? On what planet? … Hold on, I see the phrase “common sense,” which usually translates into “let me outlaw guns.”
Craig: You can simply click on the link in the post if you’d like. The document on which the article is based is here.
Btw, 91% of Americans favor mandatory background checks for all prospective gun owners. That’s an example of what we mean by “common sense gun laws.”
Reader: Thank God we don’t live in a pure democracy. This is exactly why the founders felt the first 10 amendments were necessary, because sooner or later hysteria trumps civil rights.
Craig: In actuality, our national tragedy with mass shootings has little or nothing to do with you and a few other gun nuts who think the Second Amendment gives us all the rights to own tactical nuclear weapons, Howitzers, and RPGs. It’s almost exclusively the effect of Big Money that owns the U.S. Congress.
Most lawmakers would love to do things like banning assault weapons, or at least establishing mandatory background checks, because their constituents (strangely) have a problem with the mass slaughter of their little children. But congresspeople know that raising this issue will result in their being voted out of office at the next election, due to the NRA, which they know will finance a powerful campaign against them.
It’s corruption at its very finest.