Flagpole Sale for “Patriots”

Here’s an ad for a telescoping flagpole (read: cheap, cheesy) on which you can announce to the neighbors your version of “patriotism” this Memorial Day.

Two comments I particularly appreciated:

Do you really need that “Don’t tread on me” flag?
The response to which was: Of course. How will the other traitors passing by recognize each other without the yellow flag?
Clever, I thought.
Of course, the flag in question is no more expressive of support to those who attempted to overthrow the U.S. government in 2020-21 than anything else that stands behind Trump, e.g., “Trump 2024!” at this point when the walls of justice are finally crashing down around him.
Yet, I have to admit that there is something special about the disgusting misuse of the Gadsden flag that pulls this all together better than anything else.
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