It’s Different In Finland, But Exactly Why?

All Americans have the sense, at least in a vague way, that there is something going on here that is very, very wrong.  As we look at the meme here, we wonder: what are the main differences between Finland and us as societies?

I submit it’s money.  The United States’ GDP, #1 on Earth, is 80 times larger that Finland’s, which ranks #42.

There’s not enough money there to get anyone excited about screwing with the Finns, coming in there with Fox News, desperately trying to convince them that their president, a doddering old fool who stole the election from his predecessor, that immigrants are taking their jobs, that they need more guns to protect themselves from would-be attackers, that they must ban certain books to prevent their kids from becoming socialists or transsexuals, that environmentalists are commies, or that their government planned their exposure to COVID-19.

No one cares, because there isn’t enough money to drive all the idiocy that’s happening in front of Americans’ eyes.

Not a bad place to raise your kids, given a choice.

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