Conservatives Are Shockingly Effective at Blocking Climate Change Mitigation

Here’s a New York Times article that describes the efforts of Republicans to mount legal blockades against climate change mitigation. It begins:

Within days, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court is expected to hand down a decision that could severely limit the federal government’s authority to reduce carbon dioxide from power plants — pollution that is dangerously heating the planet.

But it’s only a start.

This begets the question we’ve considered here before: What is it, specifically, that conservatives want to conserve?

After careful thought and as much creativity as one can possibly muster, there is only one valid answer: the right of rich white people to make as much money as possible, regardless of the damage they’re doing to everyone and everything around them.

Whenever I come across stories like this, I marvel at the capacity of human beings to do evil.  You’re profiting by ensuring this planet will be a terrible place to live when your grandchildren are in their retirement years.  And you think that’s acceptable behavior.  That’s evil at a level that’s hard to imagine.


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