It Must Be Frustrating ….

It’s funny you mention that.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Veerabhadran “Ram” Ramanathan at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego  for the chapter on climate change in my first book, Renewable Energy–Facts and Fantasies.

He’s arguably the world’s foremost expert on the subject, and I considered myself quite lucky that he acceded to my request.  Due to his close affiliation with Pope Francis, Ramanathan has been described as “The Pope’s climate scientist”. He was influential in the creation of Laudato si’, the Pope’s encyclical on climate change.

In any case, I asked the professor, “You must perform your work with a blend of anger and frustration, dealing with a world of morons who are actively impeding progress in this critically important space.”

He replied, “That’s kind of you to think about me.  Actually, my emotions are more about sorrow.  This isn’t going well, as you are aware. I feel bad for everyone who’s going to be on this planet in 50 years.”

Words I’ll never forget.

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