Liz Cheney vs. Donald Trump

In my recent post Liz Cheney Will Lose Her Senate Seat, But Watch What Comes Next, I wrote, “The good news for Cheney is that she is now a national hero,” and suggested that big things could lie in her future.

A reader sees an ulterior motive, however.  “Mary” writes: Trump is more popular than ever. Liz wants to run for President in 2024 and knows if Trump runs she will lose in the primaries. Easy to see she is trying to hurt him so she has a chance. We all see this.

Wow.  I’m not sure “we all see this,” depending, I suppose, on whom you mean by “we.”  It had never crossed my mind.

If you read up a bit about this, as I just did, you will realize that Trump’s popularity is steadily waning. Many Republicans, even those who formerly supported him, say “he has too much baggage.”

IMO, “baggage” is an extremely mild term, considering that that Justice Department is conducting conversations with Trump’s criminal defense attorneys and issuing subpoenas to his closest advisors.


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