The Bizarre Story of Dr. Anthony Fauci

Yes, it’s a bizarre tale, but it’s one about a guy whose career was anything but strange until its very end.  Fauci had devoted himself to public health, and gave us 50 years, his entire adult life, using the best of his knowledge base to keep Americans safe from epidemic diseases.

Next thing you know, the whole world, mind you, not just the United States, but all 206+ sovereign countries around the globe got hit with COVID-19 and its variants.  Suddenly, the entire world of Fox News acolytes, the Alex Jones followers, and the QAnoners are now suddenly 100% convinced that the “good doctor” isn’t so good after all.

Is he a part of the Deep State?  Has he teamed up with all the other world governments to enslave the Earth’s population?  Does he work for the Democrats, supporting their efforts to remove the honest and brave President Trump? Is he an anti-capitalist, attempting to ruin the U.S. economy?  Maybe he hates our Constitution and the liberties that it formerly provided to us all.

No one knows for sure, but what is absolutely certain is that Fauci is fiercely anti-American, and that his sole motive is crippling U.S. society.  Could be pro-CRT and LGBTQ.

Well, Fauci will be gone in a few short months.  Soon we’ll be back on our own, looking to crucify a new public health expert whose aim is to cripple the American way of life.


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