Notes on the SOLO, a Commuter EV Offered by a Candian Concern

Here’s an EV concept I came across the other day that prompted me to call the local dealer, a fabulous guy, and pose a few questions.  In summary:

Offered by publicly-traded Electrica Meccanica based in British Columbia.

Strictly for one person (single seat) commuting to and from work (17.6 kWh battery pack = 70-mile range).

Price tag $18,500 “fully loaded” (there are no options).

OK, but does the burgeoning EV consumer base have an appetite for a car like this?  It essentially means two different electric vehicles in the same household: one for a single person’s commuting short distance and one for general use. Another set of registrations, insurance policies, and mechanical issues.

Is that going to stand up in the real-world market?  History has said no, and I think common sense affirms this.

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