Dealing with Doctors Who Spread COVID Misinformation

California is implementing a law under which doctors who spread misinformation about COVID can be disciplined, and predictably, the MAGA crowd is apoplectic, calling it a violation of free speech.

Of course, most people with MD degrees are intelligent folks whose treatment strategies are informed by science, not QAnon; they’re not recommending against vaccinations, and they’re not suggesting the swallowing of bleach, so this applies to a very few.  Having said that, I’m sure there are doctors who believe God-knows-what about virus-based diseases.  Should they be allowed to use that ignorance to harm their patients?

It’s hard to see how this is different than any other sort of blatant malpractice.  If an Ob/Gyn delivers babies with a post-hole digger (see photo), the AMA will remove his license to practice medicine immediately.

Given that, why does California need a law to ensure that its residents are protected against crackpots?

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