Capturing Carbon Dioxide Directly

Here’s another piece on capturing carbon dioxide directly from the air (DAC).

As I’ve said, I find this subject impossible to take seriously; it’s even harder to conceive than carbon capture and sequestration CCS, for several reasons:

The apparatus that performs CCS can be located at point sources of CO2, e.g., concrete manufacturing facilities and fossil fuel-fired power plants that spit out >40% CO2 (vs. 0.04% for DAC).

DAC faces the challenge of moving vast volumes of air through its devices.  If one considers the lower troposphere to be the five miles of atmosphere above the Earth’s surface, we’re talking about 961 million cubic miles of air.

Where CCS requires very little external energy, I can’t imagine how to power fans to process that volume of gas.

The whole enterprise is a scam, as far as I’m concerned.

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