Comparing Fox News to Alex Jones
The point here is that most Fox News viewers don’t believe, as conspiracy theorist Alex Jones assets, that the mass shootings of our schoolchildren never happened, that the so-called “bereaved” parents of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School were paid actors. But this same audience is eager to accept that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and that the democratic processes of the United States are no longer valid.
Spot on.
I agree with almost all of what John Stewart has offered here.
The one point I disagree with him in this statement is where he says that “…the democatic processes of the United States are no longer valid…”
That is not the case at all.
I for one, am a believer that:
a.) “truth” is what “can be proven”, and not just”spewed out”.
b.) the people / voters that believe in real “truth”, i.e., what this country has been proven to be founded on — need to “get real” about dealing with the following:
1.) the money grubbing Evangelical Christian Leaders and their followers that “believe” that he or she has the right to force their religious beliefs / view(s) on anyone else;
2.) the “White Racist”/ Nationalists;
3.) the Trump / Republican Party voters, to a person — who actually make up the minority in this country, and as a “true “Trumplican”; is too chicken / weak / “bought and paid for” to say otherwise;
4.) and all of those “others” who have drunk the “Cool-Aid”.
This means calling thesee people out for both what they are:
1.) plain and simple Traitors to this country, and what they are not;
2.) “Patriots” — which only they see themselves as.
The way to deal with them is through economics and social means– not violence.
Hit them where they live:
a.) their pocketbooks, by not using their businesses, and;
b.) totally shun / cut them off socially — as they have proven themselves to be totally unnacceptable in a civilized country.
c.) whether they change — is on them.
We, the majority of this country — didn’t put them where they are, or where “they see themselves being put, i.e., as “victims of the system”.
They accomplished that quite well — all by themselves, i.e., by personal choise.
It is not encumbant, nor the responsibility of us, the majority; to “try and save / change their minds” either.
Only they can get change themselves.