Reader: Can’t Fox News Be Removed?

Scott McKie asks: Isn’t Fox News legally registered somewhere as a “news” outlet? And if so, what is the verbiage in that registration?  Could be interesting to see if they are registered and if so, could they be taken totally off cable by not adhering to what’s in that registration.

Good question.  I’m not familiar with any registration for news organizations in the United States.  Even if there were such, our First Amendment protects a very wide range of free speech.  This includes lies (in most cases), but not defamation, “the act of communicating to a third party false statements about a person, place or thing that results in damage to its reputation.”

Through the years, Fox News has successfully defended itself from lawsuits on the basis that it is an entertainment channel, and that no reasonably intelligent person believes that its programming is true.  I can’t understand why this defense works, given that it’s pretty clear that the typical viewer believes every word of what comes out of these people’s mouths.

There is no Fox News in Canada, because our northern neighbor has such a registration for news organizations, and that includes telling the truth.  If Fox wanted to call itself “Fox Editorials” or “Fox Opinions,” I believe they could broadcast whatever they wish.


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