How Much Danger Is Posed by Fanatical Christians?

As shown in this video, there is a radical faction of Christians who are desperate to refashion the government of the United States according to scripture.

This gentleman’s assertion that America is doomed to destruction if it does not start to obey the words of the Lord flies directly into the teeth of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but that doesn’t seem to matter.

OK, so how much danger does this represent?  Had you asked me 10 years ago, I would have said “very little.”  But that was before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the spread of prosperity Christianity, the war to preserve the “God-given right” enabling civilians to own weapons of war, the advent of Donald Trump as the only man capable of making America great again, and the gutting of the U.S. educational system.

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One comment on “How Much Danger Is Posed by Fanatical Christians?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    There is a medical truth that has to be consided when reacting
    / dealing dealing with religious dogma.
    It’s not about doing anything physically confrontational; but bringing about a real “coming to Jesus” reality / economical condition for all Evangelical Christians — because these people live and work next to you”.

    I know that this sounds like “autocratic speak” — but this country has to stop just “laying down / getting run over” while fighting back using the “Marques of Queensbury rules of “engagement”.

    The medical truth I speaking of — is that any animal that is infected with “Rabies” — agressive / single-minded / out of control with an infected sickness / being a definite danger to any and everyone it gets close to” — has been found to be “not savable”: and is then “put down”.

    Again, I am not rspousing taking any confrontational physical action, but I am for taking “total social and economic quarentine action” against them.
    This is because it seems that any Evangelical “Christian (which is an oxymoron if there ever was one) — believes that he of she has “been given the right” or “the calling” (the backup slang that they use to subject all others to their “belief”) to shove their version of Jim Jones’s “cool-aid” (or whatever they want to call it) — down our collective throats.
    Their preachers / pastors have told them so — so after all — it has to be the “truth”, along with in the name of “religious freedom, i.e., effect political and religious control over this country — they are “saving the country”.

    Got a flash for them — the country needs to be saved all right — from them.
    And this is how it can be accomplished.

    Evangelical “preachers / pastors / government officials / judges — whatever posiiton they hold: is the direct source / cause of this Evangeical / “whatever you want to call it) spread of the Evangelical Christian / Religious Right.
    Now a fact: no human being has ever had this garbage “in place” in their brain — when they were born.
    So every Evangelical Christian in this country, let alone the earth — has to have been taught this infected crap — by whom — their religious leadership.
    You can’t make this stuff up.

    But, the saying that “…you are what you are taught…” is a truism that has been found to be totally correct throughout human history.

    These “leaders”, by design, have infected not only the body politic of this country; but it’s very fabric.
    So — for the safety and preservation of “the rest us “non-believers” — they have to be dealt with as being the Rabies infected animal — that they have turned themselves into — by choice.
    I say by choice — because as a child being raised — I had some religious “cool-aid” shoved down my throat.
    But as I grew up – I saw it for what it was — and rejected it to this day, and have no problem about what will happen when I pass on — I won’t have a nytnhing to do with it.

    One does not ask an animal that is infected with Rabies — “…what do I have to do in order to not have you bite me, and infect me…”?
    You “effectively take care of the threat, and you “put it down”.

    1.) We start by “effectively and totally quarantining / shutting off the means by which Evangelical preachers / pastors — whatever they call themselves — “communicate” to their “followers” — period.
    2.) At the same time do exactly the same to “elected officials” — at any level.
    3.) At the same time do exactly the same to members of this country’s “legal profession” — again, at any level — with the test being –have they ever made a judgement based on a religious belief / against the common good of the people of this country / and / or have demonstrated, by their legal judgement(s) their allegiance to the rabid and/ or corrupt “Rabid Right”.
    Being a “Conservative” is no problem, but being an Evangelical Conservative is “out of bounds”.

    The simple litmus test is — do you bring “religion”, of any persuation, into your communication / actions / decisions?

    If anyone of their ilk has done, or is doing that — “…they don’t pass go, they don’t collect $200 — they go immediately to jail…”, into “total social and economic quarentine.”

    This has to be done because the Evangelical Christian / Religious Right has been using the freedoms given to this country at its very founding — against this country.

    It doesn’t take a rocked scientist to see this, but it will take individual fortitude, i.e., “back-bone” to effectively do what is necessary.

    Cut off their TV / cable / Internet / mail connections that they use to spread their religious dogma.
    If they can’t preach — they can’t spread their infectoin.
    This way, they can only can talk — to themselves.
    That has to done — for the simple “safety” for the remaining population that hasn’t drunk their infected cool-aid — and the religious leadership / political leadership collectively, have definitively demonstrated that “they are the tip of the iceberg”.

    If people “of their persuation” want to “be with their religious / political leader(s)” — so be it — that’s OK.
    But make sure to totally shut the social and economic door on their butts after they go through that door — because each individual will have made that decision: and decisions have consequences.

    So far, this country has been giving all Religious Right / Political Right / Legal Right types, especially the Evangelical Christian / Religious Right, a “free pass” concerning what they have been, and are “doing”.
    We’ve done that because this country was founded on individual — and separate — “religious and political freedom”.
    That is what this country was founded on — freedom of choice.

    That’s perfectly Ok for any religious / political type that does not endeavor to inject / dictate personal religious or political beliefs on anyone.

    But that “freedom” ends — at “the tip of my nose” and that goes for everyone else’s nose” — full stop.

    We can stop this crap — and we have to do it.
    Or we will indeed lose it.

    An infected, very conservative religion called “Nazism”, led by a truly charismatic leader named Adolph Hitler; and was the reason that this country joined in fighting WW II.
    There are now a large minority of people in this country that either don’t have a clue what that war was fought over – or are actually embracing that ideal — domination of the people of this country.
    My 78 year old history shows me that we are now in a real fight for the very “life” of this country.
    The religiously infected — are “way past ‘gone'”.

    Those of us that are not infected with Evangelical Christian religious zeal / Rabies will have to “get real” that the “infected” either cannot, or don’t want; anything other than having a part in destroying the individual personal feedom of those in this country that don’t believe the way that they do.

    It’s no longer a threat — it’s happening “live on cable TV, led by your favorite preacher or pastor, and / or in your favorite governmental office(s), and / or in your favorite legal court.

    I’ve endeavored here to deliniate a way to legally and morally “stop it in it’s tracks”.
    What each individual does concerning what I’ve written here about it –is a personal, individual, decision — that can still be made in this country.
    Ben Franklin was “correctly asked “…if we got a republic or a monarchy…”, and he propetic answered “… a republic, if we can keep it…”.