We’ll Be Very Unlikely to Learn What Steve Bannon Knows about January 6th
It certainly would be interesting to know what Steve Bannon knows about the January 6th insurrection, especially given that he told his television audience on January 5th:
“All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. It’s all converging, and now we’re on, as they say, the point of attack. I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen. It’s going to be quite extraordinarily different, and all I can say is strap in.”
So why did I use the phrase would be interesting as opposed to will be interesting? It’s because Steve Bannon ignores subpoenas.
When he was sentenced to four months in jail for ignoring a congressional subpoena, was he immediately remanded into custody like you or I would have been?
Of course not. He’s connected to some of America’s wealthiest and most powerful elite, and he knows that he can thumb his nose at the U.S. federal government until hell freezes over.
We’ll see what happens if he thumbs his nose at this subpoena.
Makin’ any bets– because this time he’s messing with much bigger fish — with legal teeth.