How Close Is a Judge to Detaining Trump Until Trial?

When the former president retweets the home address of Barack and Michelle Obama, or when he suggests that special prosecutor Jack Smith should be “put out to rest,” it seems obvious that he represents a danger to our society.

Yes, the actual amount of pro-Trump violence has fallen since the insurrection, presumably because even the most deranged of these people has the sense to avoid lengthy prison terms, but by no means has it vanished entirely.

For right now at least. the issue is not so much actually violence as it is threats.  As discussed here, threats of violence are plaguing the prosecutors working on the multiple lawsuits and investigations of the already indicted Donald Trump.

Lurking around the nation are tens of millions of armed Trump supporters, many of whom are waiting, some more patiently than others, for their leader to call for the next uprising.  Similarly, there are members of the judiciary who understand their responsibility to prevent a blood-bath before it happens.

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