Some Republicans Appreciate Trump More Now that He’s Under Criminal Prosecution

To put this in context, 20% of Republicans is about 9% of all U.S. voters.

We shouldn’t rejoice that one out of every 11 Americans is a hateful moron, but nor should we worry that this will enable returning Trump to the White House.

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One comment on “Some Republicans Appreciate Trump More Now that He’s Under Criminal Prosecution
  1. Scott Mckie says:

    I have a question: why would you worry about a bunch of people that demonstrate, every day ; that they are perfectly willing to stampede down to the lowest denominator — proving that they are not worth “worrying about”.
    Just let them roll around in the political slop in their self-made pig-stie.
    Putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t change anything — it’s still a pig.

    Just make sure that everyone else “gets off their butts and votes” in every election — big and small.