We Do, Indeed, Need a Wake-Up Call

It’s not easy to get an accurate read on Americans’ take on climate change.

Sure, most of us recognize that the theory of human-caused global warming is valid, but, no surprise, the subject is just another political football, where the entire right-wing has dismissed it as a hoax foisted upon us by the anti-capitalists, now ridiculed as the “woke socialists.”

Our future is threatened by readers like Jagger Schuster who notes: Where is it that hot? It’s like 80 degrees all week where I’m at, which is less than normal for this time of year for my area.

Jagger: Not every square mile of the Earth’s surface is hotter than it’s ever been in the past.  Read up on this, please. And don’t end phrases with prepositions, though that’s a lesser matter.




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