Will America Become Florida?

There’s not too much chance of that.

These are insane times in terms of hated and ignorance, but still, the vast majority of Americans are decent, kind, and reasonably intelligent human beings.

Our nation’s appetite is very, very low for things like abortion bans, the proliferation of assault weapons, allowing our impoverished veterans to die of treatable diseases, re-electing a criminal conman to be the most powerful person in the world, and watching while the planet bakes in extreme heat.

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One comment on “Will America Become Florida?
  1. Scott McKie says:

    I would agree with you — if the percentage of people in this country going along / “voting in” those that mimic (will follow their views), as listed in the second paragraph– was smaller.

    But it isn’t.

    So take off the “rose colored sunglasses”, and take a “good hard look” at what the actual situation in this country is — and write about that.