An End to “Antiquated Bigotry?”

Here are the words of American singer, writer, actor, and comedian Henry Rollins, and he’s not alone in this belief.

It’s certainly true that elderly people in the U.S. grew up in an era where bigotry was extremely common and almost universally accepted.  When they die, these attitudes go with them to the grave.

Another theory, however, is that prejudice is a natural result of hate, fear, hard times, and lousy education.

Hate and fear derive from the rise of social media and right-wing “news” sources.

Hard times come from wage stagnation and the growing chasm between rich and poor.

Lousy education is the result of a society that has simply lost interest in the subject, pays its teachers slave wages, and suffers from the cream being swept off the top and sent to private and charter schools.

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One comment on “An End to “Antiquated Bigotry?”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    A response to Henry Collins:
    Here are a few truths:
    1.) When an elderly person dies — his or hers precepts, idiologies, and hatreds(if they were present) –whether or not the list above dies or not depends solely on whether or not that person “taught” his or her children their “beliefs”.

    2.) A baby, when born — is totally innocent / devoid of anything listed.
    The saying “…you are what you are taught…” (see above) says it all.

    3.) HAte and fear come from being taught to “hate and fear” and are in the final analysis — a purely conscience, individual decisioin to make. — whether “you do” or “you don’t”.

    4.) Having a “lousy education” is a conscience, individual, personal decision.
    If you want a good education — nobody tied your butt to the couch.
    Get off your lazy ass and “learn it yourself — the information is out there”.
    And stop complaining / blaming others because you are too lazy to “earn it” for yourself.

    Don’t ask me how I know