Kansas Adores Trump, and What’s the Big Deal About That?
He “serves” Republicans as the senior senator from the state of Kansas. DEMOCRACY SCORE: D — POOR. Made no public statements about the election, or was evasive.
Voted against impeachment or conviction of Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection.
Voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack.
Did not vote on holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress.
Sen. Moran failed to hold Donald Trump accountable for his role in inciting the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. While he conceded that “President Trump was wrong to continue to spread allegations of widespread fraud and not immediately discourage the reprehensible and unpatriotic behavior” in the time leading up to the attack, he ultimately voted to acquit.
Should anyone be shocked by this? Does this guy look like someone who has the integrity to call out Trump as a traitor to his country, in a state where 70% of voters adore the former president? When doing so would end his term in the senate?
To the degree that we’re an ignorant nation, we elect human scum like this, and we deserve precisely what we get.
When are you going to get some cahones and stop lumping everyone together in this country?
Get real — you know that’s not a true case at all.
This piece of Kansas mule crap just proves my point.
It’s the Republican Voter that is at the bottom of all of this.
They vote fro people just like thenmselves — pieces of Kansas mule crap.
They say “they feel picked on — made to feel like they’re second class.
Well guess what — they feel that way — because they are that way: and they prove it time and time again; by voting in pieces of excrement like Moran.
Start naming them for what they are.
Or are there too many of then around in the Southern Cailfornia / Santa Barbara area where you are — that have gotten to any sense of honesty you might have?