Exploring America’s Two-Tiered Justice System
Do you think that the Constitution of “We the People” is being replaced by an elite and unaccountable administrative state?
Do we live in an era of bureaucratic despotism, ruled by an administrative state that bypasses the Constitution, rejects the separation of powers, and replaces the rule of law with regulations?
Hillsdale College wants your opinion about what’s happening in our nation through the National Referendum on the Administrative State.
Your input as an informed patriot is needed immediately because our country faces a constitutional crisis. Please take a few minutes to fill out the National Referendum by clicking on the link below, and let us know your thoughts.
I think there are very few Americans who believe that “justice is blind,” and that everyone, rich, poor, black, white, etc. is treated equally under the law.
Donald Trump, to take an example, is literally the only U.S. citizen who could have possibly been caught by the FBI with hundreds of boxes of classified government documents and not been subject to immediate arrest and detention.
Ironically, what these people are implying is the opposite, that people like Trump are treated more aggressively by law enforcement as part of the “administrative state.” That’s a sick joke.
I agree with you.
IT is not only a sick joke — but it is a very dangerous sick joke — because conservatives, who are increasingly becoming the minority in the US, are afraid that they will lose even more of the power that they have held since Ronald Reagan was unfortunately elected President.
The source of this goes back to the people that wrote the Constitution — because there was the belief of the day — that the common man wasn’t smart enough to govern.
The Electoral College is the result — along with the forming of “The Federalist Society”: which has been working for decades to “stack the judicious deck”: especially the US Supreme Court — which they have succeeded in doing.
The problem for super conservative institutions like Hillsdale College — is that they ae part of a shrinking minority of like minded people — who are going to sit still for this kind of blatant male bovine pasture pastry.
They can get all of the votes they want.
Only their like-minded people are going to believe — that there is any reason for “the call for a vote”.